The World's evolution is occuring in an extremely accelerated, dynamic and increasingly frictionless global economy. Already the economy has changed far more than most realize. We are familiar with the trends, but not the actual numbers. Corporations we think of as “US” are more active in Asia and the developing world – America is a nice place for their corporate officers to live.
Many business schools still teach “product development” while the service economy already dwarfs the product economy 80 – 20 % and will all but obliterate it soon.
Corporate economies outnumber national economies on the Top 100 list. National economies matter less and state economies rarely at all.
OpenCommons is focused on providing a playing field - financial, technical, and profecsional, which supports this global evolution of economic systems. A common grounds for open development of new business processes, for development and nurturing of private assetts as well as open and commonly owned public assetts. Sharing this open development.